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respect institute

of Georgia

The RESPECT Institute of Georgia (RI), created by mental health advocate Joel Slack, supports participants in developing the skills necessary to transform their experiences of mental health and substance use challenges and cross disabilities into educational and inspirational presentations. The RESPECT Institute of Georgia supports participants in organizing, constructing and customizing their personal stories of recovery and independent living so they can share their stories in diverse venues such as management meetings, legislative meetings, employee orientations, university classrooms, civic meetings, and continuing education programs.


The RESPECT Institute of Georgia is a 3 ½ day in-person training or 4 ½ day virtual training program that empowers participants by acknowledging, by honoring and by valuing their personal experiences and insights. Through this recognition and acceptance, participants heal, reclaim their sense of self and are catapulted into a level of recovery they never thought was possible. They own their lived experiences without shame or embarrassment and become instrumental in eliminating stigma in the general public, in advancing the message of recovery and in educating the next generation of behavioral health professionals. Through a partnership with Slack Consulting and the Georgia Mental Health Consumer Network, the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities sponsors multiple trainings and speaking engagements annually. To date, the RESPECT Institute of Georgia team conducted over 225 RESPECT Institute of Georgia trainings statewide and graduated ov


For more information about participating in or hosting a RESPECT Institute of Georgia training please contact:
Jen Banathy, CPS-MH, CPS-AD, WHWC
RESPECT Institute of Georgia Organizational Development Coordinator
Georgia Mental Health Consumer Network
1990 Lakeside Parkway, Suite 100
Tucker, GA 30084

phone (404) 687-9487

If you would like to invite a RESPECT Institute Graduate to share their story at your meeting or special event, please contact:

Toyia Mather-Adams, CPS-MH
RESPECT Institute of Georgia Outreach Coordinator

Georgia Mental Health Consumer Network

1990 Lakeside Parkway, Suite 100 Tucker, GA 30084

phone (404) 687-9487


Sarah Corley, CPS-MH, CPS-AD, FPM

RESPECT Institute of Georgia Outreach Coordinator
Georgia Mental Health Consumer Network
1990 Lakeside Parkway, Suite 100
Tucker, GA 30084 (404) 687-9487

RESPECT Institute of Georgia
Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible to participate in a RESPECT Institute training?

Anyone who identifies as a person living with a mental health challenge, substance misuse, or a 
cross-disability and who is actively pursuing recovery or independent living

Do you have to be a Certified Peer Specialist to participate in a RESPECT Institute training?

Do you have to live in Georgia to participate in a RESPECT Institute training?


Is there a cost or fee to participate in a RESPECT Institute training?
There is no cost or fee to participate in a RESPECT Institute training. The RESPECT Institute is 
fully funded by the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities.


How long does a RESPECT Institute training last?
The RESPECT Institute training is a five day training and we meet Monday through Friday. We meet 
from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through Thursday and from 10 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. on Friday.


Are RESPECT Institute trainings conducted in-person or virtually?

Currently, all RESPECT Institute trainings are conducted virtually.


How do I sign up to participate in a RESPECT Institute training?
Please reach out to Jen, the RESPECT Institute Organizational Development Coordinator listed above.


How long will I have to wait to participate in a RESPECT Institute training?
The wait time is dependent upon how many peers are ahead of you on the waitlist and varies from 
month to month.

Will I earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for completing the RESPECT Institute training?
The Georgia Mental Health Consumer Network (GMHCN) issues 12 CEUs to CPS-MHs who complete the RESPECT Institute training. CPS-ADs, CPS-Ps and CPS-Ys are also eligible to receive 12 CEUs for 
completing the RESPECT Institute training, however, GMHCN cannot confirm if they will be able to 
use these CEUs toward their yearly CEU requirements. It is necessary for CPS-ADs, CPS-Ps and CPS-Ys 
to contact their governing organization prior to participating in a RESPECT Institute training to 
determine if they can use CEUs earned by completing the RESPECT Institute training toward their 
yearly CEU requirement.

I work for an organization that is interested in hosting a RESPECT Institute training. Whom on the 
RESPECT Institute team do I contact to request to host a training?
Please reach out to Jen, the RESPECT Institute Organizational Development Coordinator listed above.


I am interested in inviting a RESPECT Institute speaker to share their story at an event. Whom on 
the RESPECT Institute team do I contact to request a speaker?

Please reach out to one of the RESPECT Institute Outreach Coordinators listed above.


Meet Shane Sims

2016 RESPECT Institute of Georgia Graduate





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