Certified Peer Specialist project
application process
The Georgia CPS Project Training is open to Georgians at least 18 years of age. Additionally:
1) Candidates must be willing to identify as a person living with a mental health condition and be willing to use their lived recovery experience to support others in their recovery.
2) Applicants must have at least a high school diploma/GED, and may be required to provide documentation.
3) Must be well-grounded in recovery with at least one year working towards wellness and recovery.
4) Strong reading, comprehension, and written communication skills as indicated by answers on the application.
5) Ideally, applicants will have demonstrated experience with leadership, advocacy, or governance.
There are two basic components to the CPS application process, a written application and a phone interview, which are described on this page. For information on fees and application/training dates, please visit the CPS Training Schedule page.
The written application is available online only. It stays open approximately 14 days. The highest scoring applicants from the written component are invited by email to participate in a phone interview, and those not selected for a phone interview are notified via email that they were not selected. We strongly encourage and recommend all potential applicants view the PS 101 introductory video before completing the written application.
It is strongly recommended that you complete your answers to each question in a document (such as a Microsoft Word or Google doc) that you can save and keep. No website is perfect, including Jotform, and some applicants have lost their answers during the submission process. Others have lost their answers due to other communication/technology issues, so emailing your answers to yourself is a good way to ensure you have access to them later.
Please note that any potential applicant who is required to take this training as a condition of their employment, will need to upload the completed employment verification form with their JotForm submission.
It is recommended that applicants thoroughly and completely fill out the online application, as the quality and content of the application will determine who is selected for the phone interview.
Once an application is successfully submitted, you will receive a copy of your submission via email from Jotform.
Submitting an application early does not increase an applicant’s score in any way.
The online group interview process lasts about a week. The email applicants receive will direct them to a website where they are able to schedule the date and time of their online interview. Each online interview is conducted with a group of approximately 5 other applicants, and will take between 1 and 2 hours.
The online interview will be conducted and scored by the staff of the Georgia CPS Project. The first part of the interview will allow applicants to demonstrate how they would provide peer support in a dynamic environment. The second part of the interview is an opportunity for applicants to demonstrate their understanding of what a Certified Peer Specialist is, and show what they find most valuable in their story. Applicants will participate in part by responding to two scenarios as though they are already working as a CPS-MH.
Within 7-10 business days, the 35 highest scoring applicants (from the combined score of both the written application and interview) are notified via email that they have been selected to participate in the training, and the lower scoring applicants are notified via email that they have not been selected to participate in the training.
Those accepted to the training have 7-14 days to decide whether or not to attend the training and pay the Registration/Training Fee before their place is offered to the next highest ranked applicant.
The Georgia CPS Project currently uses Zoom software to conduct the online group interview as well as the training itself. Applicants unfamiliar with Zoom are encouraged to use the software prior to the online group interview and the training to be more successful in both.