The mission of the Georgia Mental Health Consumer Network is to promote mental health recovery and wellness through advocacy, education, employment, and peer support while advancing the priorities elected annually by Georgia's mental health recovery community.
The Georgia Mental Health Consumer Network is a Georgia Corporation founded in 1991 by consumers of state services for mental health, developmental disabilities, and addictive diseases. It hosts one of the largest statewide annual consumer conferences in the nation. The corporation evolved from a meeting of 30 consumer leaders held in Tucker, Georgia in October of 1990. The membership is now over 7,000

Since its inception, the Georgia Mental Health Consumer Network has striven to improve the quality of life for Georgians living with behavioral health challenges by taking a leadership role in statewide and local initiatives that create positive change in the lives of individuals, families, and communities. A few key milestones include:
20 To Work By 2000 —The Consumer Network’s nationally acclaimed employment initiative strove to move 20 percent of all peers in day programs into jobs in the community.
Since 1992 has hosted one of the largest statewide annual peer conventions in the nation.
Provides Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) and WRAP for Work trainings statewide.
Facilitated Double Trouble in Recovery groups statewide for people in recovery from behavioral health challenges.
Published a quarterly newsletter called "The Pipeline."
Supported Recovery Through the Arts.
Implemented the Georgia Certified Peer Specialist Project.
Conducted the Georgia Consumer Satisfaction Survey.
Provided Mental Health First Aid training.
Developed the Peer Mentoring Project to assist peers transitioning out of regional hospitals into communities.
Opened five Peer Support, Wellness, and Respite Centers to provide peer support, daily wellness activities, 24/7 warm lines, and 3 respite beds per center.
Conducted the Georgia Peer Support Institute.

The Georgia Mental Health Consumer Network is funded by grants, contracts, donations, and membership fees.

• Host an annual peer conference that promotes recovery and wellness, and identifies the top priorities of consumers of behavioral health services statewide.
• Promote employment with emphasis on quality jobs that foster true independence.
• Offer training opportunities for peers, including the Certified Peer Specialist Project and Whole Health Wellness Coaching.
• Support the development of new peer leaders through the Georgia Peer Support Institute.
• Support peer access to transportation.
• Support the expansion of Recovery Through the Arts and the Double Trouble in Recovery program.
• Promote peer supports and wellness, including the Peer Support and Respite Centers.

The Georgia Mental Health Consumer Network Board of Directors reflects the strength and diversity of Georgia's robust behavioral health recovery community and operates under a set of bylaws available for download below.. Current board members include:
President & Chair
E Joseph Sanders
Region 3
Vice President & Co-Chair
Beverly Ragland
Region 3
Kathryn Thompson Ringel
Region 2
Goldie Mae Marks
Region 1
Region 1
Goldie Marks
Stephens County
Region 2
Troy Curry
Richmond County
Kathryn Thompson Ringel
Columbia County
Region 3
E. Joseph Sanders
Fulton County
Region 4
Tanya Welch
Thomas County
Region 5
Kathy Schrieber
Region 6
Brian Anderson