Bartow County Peer Support & Respite Center
201 North Erwin Street, Cartersville Georgia 30120
Phone 770-276-2019
Bartow County Weekly Activity Schedule
This schedule is subject to change. Please contact the staff at 770-276-2019 on the day of your planned visit to verify the scheduled activity you are interested in is taking place. For descriptions of these activities, please visit the Peer Support, and Respite Center Home Page.
10:00am-10:30am Wellness Walk
11:00am-11:30am Aroma Therapy
12:00pm-1:00pm Financial Planning
1:30pm-2:30pm Art Exploration
4:00pm-5:00pm Self-Care
8:00pm-9:00pm Respite Support
10:00am-10:30am Wellness Walk
11:00am-12:00pm Women's Support
12:30pm-1:30pm Job Readiness
2:00pm-3:30pm Housing Support
4:00pm-5:00pm Trauma Informed Peer Support (TIPS)
8:00pm-9:00pm Respite Support
10:30am-11:00am Wellness Walk
12:00pm-1:00pm Issues in Mental Health
1:30pm-2:30pm Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP)
4:00pm-5:00pm Boosting Self Esteem
8:00pm-9:00pm Respite Support
10:00am-10:30am Wellness Walk
11:00am-12:00pm Emotional Wellbeing Support
12:30pm-2:00pm Whole Health
2:30pm-3:30pm Computer Skills
4:00pm-5:00pm Double Trouble in Recovery
8:00pm-9:00pm Respite Support
10:00am-10:30am Wellness Walk
11:00am-12:30pm What's on Your Mind
1:00pm-2:00pm Musical Expressions
2:30pm-3:30pm Creative Expressions
8:00pm-9:00pm Respite Support
Events on the Square
10:30am-1:00pm Community Activity (times may vary)
1:00pm-2:30pm Fun & Games
8:00pm-9:00pm Respite Support
11:00am-1:00pm Movie at the Center
2:00pm-3:00pm Fun & Games
4:00pm-5:00pm Ya'll Recovery All Recovery
8:00pm-9:00pm Respite Support

Directions I-75 to exit 288 Main Street, make a left off the exit. Cross over Hwy 41 and turn right onto Erwin Street, after the train tracks. The Center is four blocks down on the right at the corner of Carter and North Erwin.
•Peer Support: All staff at the Bartow County PSWRC are trained and certified by the State of Georgia to provide peer support as Certified Peer Specialists—Mental Health.
•Respite: Georgians 18 years of age or older who self-identify as living with a mental health concern may utilize one of the three private bedrooms for 7 nights every 30 days as an alternative to psychiatric hospitalization. Respite is also available for peers who may be overwhelmed by life challenges, and could benefit from support. Participation in recovery and wellness activities is entirely voluntary.
•Peer2Peer Warm Line: The staff at the Bartow County PSWRC provide peer support over the phone 24/7/365, and because they are local, they can help callers identify resources in the community to achieve and maintain their recovery and wellness goals; and, they really listen to each caller, and they care.