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KEN WHIDDON - Sharon Tucker

Sunday October 29, 2022

Pinecrest Country Club

Pelham, Georgia

The 2023 GMHCN Memorial Golf Tournament will be held Sunday October 29th and will have a 9:30 am start time.  It will be a 4 person scramble and the entry fee will be $60.00 per person, which will include lunch and  2 mulligans. Raffle tickets will also be available to purchase for $5.00 each. The teams fill up fast, so please contact Tournament Director Robert Howell at 229-343-0269 for more information or to register or visit

2021 1st Place Winners
Jackson Curles 

Bowen Kolbe
Cameron Cooper
Charlie Bedenfield

2021 2nd Place Winners

Travis Eakin
Tommy Lashley

Trey Godwin

Hackett Shiflett


2021 Platinum Sponsors

Andersonville Theological Seminary

AmericanWork, Inc.

Jim Chism - United Insurance 

Home Service Center Pelham Georgia

Ernie Els for Autism Foundation

Bryan Bell - Edward Jones

G&B Works

Turning Point Moultrie Georgia

Elizabeth Wade Properties

Colquitt Regional Medical Center

2021 Gold Sponsors

Bob Jones

Willis Painting

Ausley-Wade Rentals

Please visit the homepage of the Ken Whiddon Golf Tournament for the full listing of 2021 winners and sponsors.


About Ken Whiddon
Ken Whiddon lived with bipolar disorder and was very ill for many years. He was hospitalized, heavily medicated, and received electric shock treatments on multiple occasions. Surviving on SSI disability, he managed to return to work and then college. After furthering his education, he became Deputy Director at the local Mental Health Center in Glynn County, Georgia, and then became executive director at the state regional office.


In an effort to better serve consumers with disabilities he started his own company,  Amer(icanWork), Inc. in 1999, where he eventually employed  over 400 people. He made it his mission to assist consumers with disabilities in finding work and improving their quality of life.


He sold the company but stayed on with the new ownership to continue the work he loved doing so much, before his death in 2015. His life is proof that you can accomplish or obtain your goals regardless of your physical or mental disability.


Ken was one of the original founders of the Georgia Mental Health Consumer Network, a non-profit corporation founded by Ken and other consumers of state services for mental health, substance use, and developmental disabilities. 

All of the proceeds of the Ken Whiddon Annual Golf Tournament are used to assist people with behavioral health concerns to return to work by providing them training, resources, and supports.


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